
Showing posts from November, 2010

Maybe baby?

so i've been quite quiet on this blog for a little while, and while i could talk about my back issues and physical therapy, there is something much more exciting that i haven't been able to talk about that simply trumps anything else that is going on around me.  any number of my friends would automatically say "oh a secret? you're totally pregnant!" because that is pretty much our answer to everything lately.  "i'm feeling sick," "oh you must be prego"; "i am thirsty," "oh you're totally pregnant"; "I am tired," "oh you're definitely prego." at one point everyone i know was getting married, and now it seems like everyone i know is going to have a baby.  AND.... drumroll please?? SO AM I!!!  WE ARE PREGNANT! ahh, it feels so good to get that off my chest!!  lets just say that keeping secrets is not my strong point.  that's not to say i am not a reliable person, but when it's my own ...